VIPRE Security News
Vol.1, #15 – October 19, 2011 – Issue #15
I just spoke to our Security Response Manager Trip Armstrong who told me a most interesting story. “One thing we notice is that over 90% of the customers we remote into to remove malware...
As more and more people move to more mail-enabled devices POP mail accounts are just a waste of time. I’ve come across this enough times now that I thought I should write about it…
Outlook 2007 has a big-‘ol feature missing when it comes to...
A quick article about SlideShark came through my inbox the other day. Looks like a pretty useful app for those iPad 2 users looking for an easy, quick way to get those presentations out.
Create your PowerPoint presentation.
Upload that file to your free SlideShark...
Came across a cool Android app today, Hyperfine’s Remote for iTunes. This along with an Apple AirPort Express and speakers and you’ve got a great way to control your iTunes music from anywhere in the house.